NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Settlement Agreement Didn't Provide for Fees March 1, 1999 Right to Fees Not Included in Settlement Agreement March 1, 1999 Tenant Can't Identify Intruders March 1, 1999 Landlord Can't Get Fees March 1, 1999 Child Burned by Steam from Hose March 1, 1999 Violations in One Apartment March 1, 1999 Objection to Registration Treated as Service Complaint March 1, 1999 Was Executrix of Tenant's Estate Accepted as Tenant? March 1, 1999 Landlord Proved Intent to Use Apartment as Primary Residence March 1, 1999 Landlord Didn't Recognize Roommate as Tenant March 1, 1999 Public Housing Tenant Doesn't Get Chance to Cure March 1, 1999 Triple Damages Imposed March 1, 1999 first previous ... 504 505 506(current) 507 508 ... next last