Landlords Filed Untimely 2024 Rent Registrations
LVT Number: #33499
In two recent cases, landlords asked the DHCR for Certification to Establish Eligibility to Recover Costs on Proposed Individual Apartment Improvements (IAIs) Completed in a Vacant Housing Accommodation. Landlords filed these applications in order to seek recovery of costs for IAIs up to an aggregate amount of $50,000. The DRA ruled against landlords in both cases, finding they weren't eligible to recover these costs. Landlords appealed, pointing out that the apartments in question were registered as vacant in 2024. The DHCR ruled against the landlords because the subject apartments weren't timely registered as vacant for the years 2022, 2023, and 2024. Therefore, landlord's applications were properly denied.
Park 50 West Properties LLC: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket No. MW210004RO (11/8/24)[1-pg. document]; 2205 Foster LLC: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket No. MW210009RO (11/13/24)[1-pg. document]
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