RENEWAL LEASES Landlord Can Seek Use and Occupancy November 1, 1995 Rent Demand Didn't Ask for Specific Amount November 1, 1995 Tenant Wrongfully Refuses to Sign September 30, 1995 Landlord Can't Add No-Pet Clause September 30, 1995 Landlord Didn't Offer Renewal Lease August 31, 1995 Nonrenewal Notice Sent Too Late November 1, 1994 Landlord Can't Add Security Deposit Clause November 1, 1994 Landlord Must Renew Section 8 Lease July 31, 1994 Tenants Didn't Prove Valid Renewal Lease Existed June 30, 1994 Landlord Must Give Renewal Lease to Tenant's Mother June 30, 1994 Tenant Refused to Sign Two-Year Lease April 1, 1994 Landlord Needn't Offer Lease Until Tenant Pays Rent Due December 1, 1993 first previous ... 30 31 32 33(current) 34 next last