PROCEDURE-COURT Tenant Never Agreed to Settlement Stipulation March 1, 1995 Petition Didn't Include Information About Rent Demand March 1, 1995 Tenant Can't Vacate Stipulation March 1, 1995 Tenant Can't Vacate Stipulation February 1, 1995 Tenant Didn't Comply with Stipulation February 1, 1995 Tenant Can't Set Aside Stipulation February 1, 1995 DHCR Properly Served with Court Papers February 1, 1995 Court Won't Vacate Stipulation February 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Serve Notice to Cure February 1, 1995 Tenant Can Vacate Default Judgment February 1, 1995 Petition Incorrectly Stated Rent-Regulated Status of Building February 1, 1995 New Landlord Can't Amend Petition January 1, 1995 first previous ... 106 107 108(current) 109 110 ... next last