EVICTION Tenant Paid Rent Due Under Stipulation Two Days Late April 1, 1997 Former Occupant Can't Be Restored to Possession April 1, 1997 Tenant Filed for Bankruptcy April 1, 1997 Landlord Fined for False Statement in Non-Military Affidavit April 1, 1997 Defective Non-Military Affidavit April 1, 1997 Misleading Termination Notice March 1, 1997 Warrant Permanently Delayed March 1, 1997 Eviction Warrant Permanently Delayed March 1, 1997 Landlord Didn't Prove Need for Apartments for Education Purposes March 1, 1997 Hotel Tenant Illegally Evicted March 1, 1997 Tenant Can't Move Back into Apartment March 1, 1997 Landlord Violated Court Order March 1, 1997 first previous ... 108 109 110(current) 111 112 ... next last