Landlord Gets Judgment for $350,000 in Back Rent in Ejectment Action

LVT Number: #33306

Landlord sued to eject tenant for breach of contract and to recover money owed for nonpayment of rent and use and occupancy. The court ruled for landlord and issued a money judgment for rent and use and occupancy between May 2019 through mid-September 2023 in the amount of almost $350,000, as well as an order for ejectment. The court denied landlord's claim for late fees and repair and electric charges since they weren't sought in landlord's court complaint.

Landlord sued to eject tenant for breach of contract and to recover money owed for nonpayment of rent and use and occupancy. The court ruled for landlord and issued a money judgment for rent and use and occupancy between May 2019 through mid-September 2023 in the amount of almost $350,000, as well as an order for ejectment. The court denied landlord's claim for late fees and repair and electric charges since they weren't sought in landlord's court complaint.

160 E. 48th St. Owner II LLC v. Chen: Index No. 159246/2020, 2024 NY Slip Op 31947(U)(Sup. Ct. NY; 6/5/24; Goetz, J)