ATTORNEYS Attorney Sanctioned for Lying in Court November 1, 2006 Landlord's Attorney Represented Tenant in Prior Case September 30, 2005 Attorney Fined for Authorizing False Military Affidavit December 1, 2004 Tenant's Attorney Not Disqualified June 30, 2004 Landlord's Attorney Not Disqualified May 31, 2003 Tenant and Her Attorney Sanctioned for Making False Claims April 1, 2003 Attorney in Landlord's Firm Previously Represented Occupant July 31, 2002 Tenant's Attorney Not Disqualified April 30, 2002 No Sanctions Against Tenant's Attorney May 31, 2001 Sanctions Imposed Against Tenant and Attorney April 30, 2001 Landlord's Attorneys Questioned Tenant Without Court's OK April 1, 2001 Sanctions Imposed for Unauthorized Document Request August 31, 1999 first previous ... 2 3 4(current) 5 6 next last