ATTORNEY'S FEES No Fees to Tenant August 31, 1994 Landlord Must Pay Attorney's Fees to Discontinue Case August 31, 1994 No Fees for Prior Proceedings July 31, 1994 Landlord Filed Papers on Time June 30, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees for Case to Get Overcharge Refunded April 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees in Primary Residence Case February 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees in DHCR Proceeding February 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees in Illegal Subletting Case January 1, 1994 Court Denied Fees to Tenant in Pass-On Case January 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees in ‘No Pet' Eviction Case December 1, 1993 Landlord Gets Fees in Nonpayment Proceeding September 30, 1993 Tenant Gets Fees Despite Lost Lease August 31, 1993 first previous ... 31 32 33 34(current) 35 next last