ATTORNEY'S FEES Landlord Gets Fees in 7-A Proceeding March 1, 1995 Rent-Controlled Tenant Gets Fees in Nonprimary Residence Case March 1, 1995 Landlord Gets Attorney's Fees for Nonpayment Case March 1, 1995 Court Improperly Increased Tenant's Award February 1, 1995 Landlord Can't Collect Fees When Lease Type Size Is Too Small February 1, 1995 Landlord Can't Get Fees for Nonpayment Proceeding February 1, 1995 Tenant Gets Fees for Warranty of Habitability Claim February 1, 1995 No Fees Before Final Judgment Issued January 1, 1995 Tenant Wins Waiver Claim December 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Fees for Habitability Claim November 1, 1994 No Fees to Tenant August 31, 1994 Landlord Must Pay Attorney's Fees to Discontinue Case August 31, 1994 first previous ... 31 32 33(current) 34 35 next last