Violation Notice Served on Employee Who Didn't Work at Building

LVT Number: 8950

The DOB issued landlord a violation notice by serving one of landlord's employees at landlord's business office in another building. The ALJ dismissed the notice for improper service. The DOB appealed, asking the ECB to allow service of the violation notice anywhere. The ECB ruled for landlord. The DOB must serve the violation notice on landlord's employee at the building cited in the notice.

The DOB issued landlord a violation notice by serving one of landlord's employees at landlord's business office in another building. The ALJ dismissed the notice for improper service. The DOB appealed, asking the ECB to allow service of the violation notice anywhere. The ECB ruled for landlord. The DOB must serve the violation notice on landlord's employee at the building cited in the notice.

City of New York v. San James Realty: ECB App. No. 15635 (10/27/93) [1-page document]


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