Tenant Who Didn't Sign Complaint Can't File Appeal

LVT Number: 9212

Rent-stabilized tenant complained of reduced services, and the DRA ordered a rent cut for all tenants in the building. Landlord appealed, and the order was changed to affect only rent-stabilized tenants because no rent-controlled tenants had signed the complaint. Rent-controlled tenant appealed, asking the DHCR to apply the rent cut to rent-controlled tenants as well. Tenant loses because she hadn't signed the original complaint. She wasn't a party to the prior proceeding, so she can't appeal it.

Rent-stabilized tenant complained of reduced services, and the DRA ordered a rent cut for all tenants in the building. Landlord appealed, and the order was changed to affect only rent-stabilized tenants because no rent-controlled tenants had signed the complaint. Rent-controlled tenant appealed, asking the DHCR to apply the rent cut to rent-controlled tenants as well. Tenant loses because she hadn't signed the original complaint. She wasn't a party to the prior proceeding, so she can't appeal it.

Harchut: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. DD 130443-RT (9/29/94) [2-page document]


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