Section 8 Tenant Violated Settlement Agreement
LVT Number: 15558
Landlord sued to evict Section 8 tenant for creating a nuisance. Tenant's sister sometimes stayed with him and created disturbances with other tenants. Landlord and tenant signed a settlement agreement in court, which barred visits to the apartment by tenant's sister. Landlord later asked the court to permit eviction based on tenant's violation of the agreement. The court ruled for landlord. Tenant then asked the court to vacate the judgment and eviction warrant. The court ruled against tenant. Tenant understood the agreement and the consequences of violation of the agreement. Tenant knowingly violated the settlement agreement by allowing his sister to visit him at the apartment on at least two occasions, and there were further disturbances at the building when she did so. The court found no reason to believe that tenant would comply with a new order barring his sister from the apartment.
Hempstead Village Hous. Assn. v. Calderone: NYLJ, 12/26/01, p. 21, col. 4 (Dist. Ct. Nassau; Asarch, J)