PAR Was Filed by Unauthorized Tenant Representative

LVT Number: #27294

Tenants complained of a reduction in building-wide services based on various conditions. The DRA ruled for tenants and reduced their rents. Tenants appealed, claiming that the DRA omitted a finding that backyard benches were removed and this should be added to the list of reduced services. The DHCR ruled against tenants because the tenant representative who filed tenants’ PAR wasn’t authorized to do so. She lacked standing because she was no longer a building tenant and failed to submit proper authorization signed by tenants for the purpose of filing the PAR.

Tenants complained of a reduction in building-wide services based on various conditions. The DRA ruled for tenants and reduced their rents. Tenants appealed, claiming that the DRA omitted a finding that backyard benches were removed and this should be added to the list of reduced services. The DHCR ruled against tenants because the tenant representative who filed tenants’ PAR wasn’t authorized to do so. She lacked standing because she was no longer a building tenant and failed to submit proper authorization signed by tenants for the purpose of filing the PAR. With the PAR, the tenant representative submitted only a copy of the signature pages signed by tenants with the complaint. New signature pages were needed to show authorization to file the PAR.


Oregon Realty Corporation/The Oregon Building Tenants Association: DHCR Adm. Rev. Docket Nos. EP130041RO, EP130063RT (8/11/16) [4-pg. doc.]