Occupant Didn't Prove Family Member Status
LVT Number: 18686
Landlord sued to evict apartment occupant after tenant moved out of the apartment. Occupant claimed that he was entitled to pass-on rights as tenant's nontraditional family member. The court ruled for landlord. Occupant appealed and lost. Occupant's mere statement that he was a family member who shared clothes, household bills, vacations, and holidays with tenant wasn't enough to prove the required emotional and financial commitment and interdependence for pass-on rights. There was no proof of any intermingled finances, formalized legal obligations, or jointly owned property. A joint investment account and a certificate of domestic partnership that occupant submitted to the court both were dated after the start date of the eviction case.
Pearlbud Realty Corp. v. White: NYLJ, 2/6/06, p. 32, col. 1 (App. T. 1 Dept.; McCooe, JP, Davis, Gangel-Jacob, JJ)