No Specific Cleaning Schedule
LVT Number: 11034
DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for not cleaning 18 inches into the street. Landlord claimed that tenant swept once or twice a day and that store owners swept as needed. Landlord also claimed that there was frozen debris from a fire hydrant in front of the building. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined her $50. Landlord appealed and lost. Landlord is responsible for maintaining the area in front of her building. Landlord's frozen debris claim wasn't credible, since the violation notice was issued in April. In addition, landlord reported no specific cleaning schedule. Landlord's cleaning efforts weren't sufficient to maintain the sidewalk and street area in front of the building.
Klein: ECB App. No. 21871 (5/29/96) [2-page document]
21871.pdf | 135.15 KB |