No Relationship Between Landlord and Window Contractor
LVT Number: 11936
Landlord applied to the DHCR for MCI rent hikes. The DRA ruled for landlord, and tenants appealed, claiming that there was a relationship between landlord and the window installation contractor. The DHCR ruled against tenants. The DHCR found no relationship between landlord and the window contractor. The fact that one person was an officer of both the window contractor and the maintenance contractor for the building complex didn't prove a relationship between landlord and the contractor. Tenants also didn't prove the claim that the MCI cost was inflated because of this relationship.
Fresh Meadows Tenants Assn.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. LD110073RT (7/29/97) [3-page document]
LD110073RT.pdf | 205.68 KB |