No Registration Summary Filed
LVT Number: 9053
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes, based on the installation of new water pipes, entrance doors, and a roof. The DRA denied landlord's application because landlord hadn't registered the building by filing the registration summary (RR-2) and building services registration (RR-3) forms for 1984. Landlord appealed, arguing that it had substantially complied with DHCR rules by submitting several 1984 individual apartment registration (RR-1) forms. The DHCR upheld the DRA's ruling. Filing individual apartment registration forms isn't enough. Landlord had ample time to file the required forms, but didn't do so.
Sena: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. EF 630320-RO (6/3/94) [2-page document]
EF630320-RO.pdf | 169.47 KB |