Landlord Performed Building Renovations Without Permit

LVT Number: #22400

DOB issued a violation notice to landlord for doing work at the building without a permit. The violation described relocated partitions throughout the basement through third floors, installed water and waste lines for bathrooms, and installed gas lines for stoves. The layout of the building differed from the layout in 1972 plans filed with DOB and a 1973 Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). Landlord claimed that DOB accepted the building's existing condition when it approved a later 2003 alteration plan, which showed the new bathrooms, sink, and gas lines.

DOB issued a violation notice to landlord for doing work at the building without a permit. The violation described relocated partitions throughout the basement through third floors, installed water and waste lines for bathrooms, and installed gas lines for stoves. The layout of the building differed from the layout in 1972 plans filed with DOB and a 1973 Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). Landlord claimed that DOB accepted the building's existing condition when it approved a later 2003 alteration plan, which showed the new bathrooms, sink, and gas lines. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined him $800. Landlord appealed and lost. There was no dispute that the plumbing and kitchen fixtures observed by the DOB's inspector were installed after the 1973 C of O, with no permit on record with DOB.

M.D.M.Z. Corp.: ECB App. No. 46517 (10/29/09) [4-pg. doc.]


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