Landlord Made Offer on Time
LVT Number: 15238
(Decision submitted by Karen Schwartz-Sidrane of the Hewlett, N.Y., law firm of Pennisi Daniels & Norelli, LLP, attorneys for the landlord.) Rent-stabilized tenants complained that landlord sent their renewal lease offer late. Landlord didn't answer tenants' complaint. The DRA ruled for tenants and ruled that their Nov. 1, 1998, renewal lease would start on March 1, 1999. Landlord appealed. He showed that he hadn't received all of the DHCR's notices regarding tenants' complaint and so wasn't given a proper chance to respond. The DHCR accepted the new information with landlord's PAR and ruled for landlord. Landlord sent the renewal lease offer on time but with only the name of tenants' father typed in. Tenants' father was prior tenant who had died. Landlord had allowed tenants to write in their names on prior renewal lease, and they did so again this time. Landlord showed that it made the renewal lease offer on time.
Savvidis: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. OL110021RO (6/4/01) [3-pg. doc.]
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