Landlord Didn't Get Entire Complaint
LVT Number: 10574
Tenant complained of a reduction in services. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced her rent. Landlord appealed, claiming it hadn't received notice of all the conditions cited in the DRA's order. Tenant had filed a two-page complaint, but landlord said that it only received the first page. The DHCR ruled for landlord and sent the case back for further processing. Landlord had answered tenant's complaint promptly but only referred in its answer to the conditions raised on the first page. In the meantime, the rent reduction was revoked.
255 Eastern Pkwy. Assoc.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. IE220144RO (2/15/96) [3-page document]
IE220144RO.pdf | 116.53 KB |