Eviction Proceeding Was Retaliatory After Tenant Complained to HPD
LVT Number: #32068
Landlord sued to evict tenant. Tenant asked the court to dismiss the case without trial. She claimed that the eviction action was retaliatory. Landlord sued to evict tenant after she made numerous good-faith complaints to HPD about "abominable" living conditions in her apartment. She pointed to four HPD complaints she'd made in the year before landlord brought the eviction proceeding. In each instance, HPD had issued violations.
The court ruled for tenant. Tenant had paid rent each month through a voucher and had otherwise been a model tenant.
Tapia v. Roman: Index No. LT301677/21, NYLJ No. 1652163570 (Civ. Ct. Kings; 4/26/22; Cohen, J)