Cost of Painting Control Room Floor Included
LVT Number: 12446
Landlord applied for MCI rent increases based on the installation of two hot-water heaters, asbestos removal, and painting of a control room. The DRA ruled for landlord, and tenants appealed. Among other things, tenants claimed that painting the control room was maintenance work. The DHCR ruled against tenants. The painting of the control-room floor with epoxy paint and the ''color code'' painting of electric wiring qualified as part of the MCI, since the specialized painting was directly related to and done at the same time as the installation of the hot-water heaters in the control room.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co./Various Tenants: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. Nos. KD430035RP, KD430036RP, KD430037RP (1/22/98) [6-page document]
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