Containers Missing Labels

LVT Number: 16554

DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for improper or insufficient recycling containers. The notice stated that landlord left metal and plastic containers in front of building without proper markings for recycling. Landlord claimed that rain had washed off the recycling stickers. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined him $25. Landlord appealed and lost. Landlord was required to clearly label recycling containers.

DOS issued a violation notice to landlord for improper or insufficient recycling containers. The notice stated that landlord left metal and plastic containers in front of building without proper markings for recycling. Landlord claimed that rain had washed off the recycling stickers. The ALJ ruled against landlord and fined him $25. Landlord appealed and lost. Landlord was required to clearly label recycling containers.

Aron: ECB App. No. 35313 (2/25/03) [2-pg. doc.]


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