TRIPLE DAMAGES ORDERED Landlord Can't Charge for Prior Tenant's Unpaid Rent April 1, 1994 Tenant Gets Triple Damages April 1, 1994 Tenant Wins Triple Damages Against New Landlord January 1, 1994 Triple Damages Properly Awarded September 30, 1993 Court Upholds DHCR's Rent Overcharge Finding June 30, 1993 Triple Damages Awarded to Tenant May 31, 1993 Landlord Didn't Refund Overcharge April 1, 1993 Landlord Must Pay Triple Damages April 1, 1993 DHCR Properly Applied Triple Damages Rule April 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't Reduce Rent to Comply with Prior DHCR Order January 1, 1993 first previous ... 21 22 23 24 25(current)