Daughter of Rent-Stabilized Tenant Gets Apartment

November 21, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's daughter after tenant died. The trial court ruled for the daughter. Landlord appealed and lost. Despite some procedural errors by the lower court, the daughter'...

Landlord Can't Evict Tenant's Daughter While Succession Claim Grievance Still Pending

October 28, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict tenant's adult daughter after tenant died. The daughter had filed an Article 78 appeal of NYCHA's decision denying her remaining family member grievance, and it was undisputed that the...

Daughter of Formerly Rent-Controlled Tenants Can't Get Replacement Apartment

September 25, 2019    

Tenants' daughter complained that the deceased tenants, who were her parents, had been rent controlled and that landlord failed to renew a lease in her name. The DRA ruled against the daughter, who appealed and...

NYCHA Improperly Ruled That Tenant's Daughter Didn't Have Succession Rights

August 27, 2019    

NYCHA tenant's daughter claimed succession rights after tenant died. NYCHA ruled against the daughter, who filed an Article 78 court appeal of NYCHA's decision. The court ruled for the daughter. NYCHA had...

Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Grandson Gets Apartment

August 27, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's grandson after tenant died. The grandson claimed succession rights. The trial court ruled for the grandson, who showed that he had lived in the apartment since 2001...

Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Son Gets Apartment After Tenant Dies

August 26, 2019    

Rent-stabilized tenant's son complained that landlord refused to offer him a renewal lease after tenant died. The DRA ruled for the son and directed landlord to offer him a renewal lease. Landlord appealed and...

Does Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Daughter Have Succession Rights?

July 23, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant opposed landlord's claim. Alternatively, tenant's daughter claimed succession rights. Landlord asked the court to rule on tenant...

Mitchell-Lama Co-op Tenant's Sister Can't Get Apartment

July 22, 2019    

HPD denied the application of Mitchell-Lama co-op tenant's sister for succession rights to tenant's apartment after tenant died. The sister then filed an Article 78 court appeal, claiming that HPD's...

Tenant's Daughter Gets Rent-Stabilized Apartment

July 22, 2019    

Rent-stabilized tenant's daughter complained that landlord refused to give her a renewal lease after tenant died. Landlord claimed that the daughter didn't prove succession rights. The DRA ruled for tenant...

When Did Tenant Who Died in Nursing Home Permanently Vacate Apartment?

June 20, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's daughter after tenant died. Tenant's daughter moved into the apartment in 1988. Tenant was hospitalized in June 2007, then moved into a nursing home where she...

Trial Needed to Decide Brother's Succession Claim

May 25, 2019    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's brother after tenant died. The brother claimed succession rights. Landlord asked the court to rule in its favor without trial. Landlord claimed that the brother...

Tenant's Son Gets Rent-Stabilized Apartment

May 21, 2019    

Rent-stabilized tenant's son complained to the DHCR that he had succession rights to tenant's apartment and that landlord refused to give him a renewal lease. The DRA ruled against the son. The son appealed...