MISCELLANEOUS Agreement Provided No Remedy in Event of Payment Default March 7, 2012 Tenant in J-51 Building Claims Overcharge March 7, 2012 Landlord's Hardship Application Denied February 8, 2012 Termination of Tenant's Subsidy Unreasonable February 8, 2012 NYCHA Can't Terminate Tenant's Section 8 Voucher February 8, 2012 Tenant Changes Her Mind About Lease Renewal February 8, 2012 Improper Rent Demand Can't Be Amended February 8, 2012 Pending Overcharge Proceeding Can't Delay Nonpayment Case February 7, 2012 No Rent Hike Based on Unique and Peculiar Circumstances February 6, 2012 Portion of Consulting Engineer Fee Disallowed February 6, 2012 Pending Overcharge Claim Can't Delay Nonpayment Case January 11, 2012 Court Gives Tenant More Time in Chronic Nonpayment Case January 11, 2012 first previous ... 5 6 7(current) 8 9 ... next last