Landlord applied to the DHCR in 2020 for a ruling that its two small buildings, each containing three apartments, were separate and not subject to rent regulation. In response, tenants claimed that the two buildings...
Tenant complained to the DHCR that landlord failed to offer him a rent-stabilized renewal lease. Landlord claimed that tenant's building contained fewer than six apartments and therefore wasn't subject to...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for a determination that tenant's apartment was exempt from rent regulation. The DRA ruled against landlord. Rent Stabilization Code Section 2520.11(d) provides that a building...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for a ruling that its two adjoining buildings were exempt from rent stabilization because they shouldn't be considered a Horizontal Multiple Dwelling (HMD) that, combined, contained...
Landlord sued to evict tenant from a four-family house based on nonpayment of rent. Landlord alleged that the apartment was unregulated, but tenant claimed that it was rent stabilized because the building was part of...
Three tenants filed rent overcharge complaints with the DHCR and claimed that they were rent stabilized. According to landlord, the DRA denied these complaints, but then three new complaints were filed, which the DRA...
Prior landlord asked the DHCR in 1996 to rule on whether its five-apartment building located at 11 West 84th Street in Manhattan was exempt from rent stabilization. Landlord's next-door building at 11 1/2 West...
The DHCR initiated an Administrative Determination (AD) proceeding to determine whether two buildings together formed a horizontal multiple dwelling (HMD) subject to rent stabilization. Landlord claimed that the...
Two tenants complained of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled against them, finding that the building had only four apartments and therefore wasn't rent stabilized. Tenants appealed and won. Tenants claimed that the...
In two separate proceedings, the DHCR ruled that Building A and Building C weren't subject to rent stabilization. Each building contained three apartments, but tenants in each building claimed that, together with...
Landlord sued to evict month-to-month tenant. Tenant claimed he was rent stabilized because his building and the two buildings next door together formed a horizontal multiple dwelling (HMD). The court agreed that...
Tenant complained that new landlord failed to give her a rent-stabilized renewal lease and, instead, sent her a 30-day termination notice. Tenant claimed that her apartment was in a building that was part of a...