NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL No Substantial Rehabilitation Since Work Not Done on Upper Floors April 1, 1998 Labor Costs March 1, 1998 First Rent-Stabilized Tenant Acknowledged Receipt of DC-2 Notice March 1, 1998 Deregulation Clause in Renewal Lease Inadequate March 1, 1998 Tenant Can't File March 1, 1998 Invoice Didn't Specify Apartment Numbers March 1, 1998 Typographical Error Not Willful March 1, 1998 Landlord Can Replace Manually Operated Elevator with Automatic Elevator March 1, 1998 Laundry Room Hours Reduced March 1, 1998 Two Adjoining Buildings Don't Have Enough Common Facilities March 1, 1998 Tenant's Accountant Didn't Submit Income Form on Time March 1, 1998 Worn Enamel on Bathtub March 1, 1998 first previous ... 676 677 678(current) 679 680 ... next last