Prior landlord submitted an application to the DHCR in 2004, seeking a ruling that the building was exempt from rent stabilization due to substantial rehabilitation. The DRA dismissed that case because prior landlord...
Rent-stabilized tenants complained to the DHCR of a reduction in required services after HPD issued a Vacate Order for their apartment because it became uninhabitable after a fire. The DRA ruled for tenants and...
Landlord applied for high-rent/high-income deregulation of tenant's rent-stabilized apartment in 2013. The DRA ruled against landlord in 2020 because the HSTPA had repealed the provisions of the laws and codes...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR in 2018 of rent overcharge. Tenant also claimed that his apartment had been unlawfully deregulated. The DRA ruled for tenant in part, finding that the apartment had been...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for high-rent/high-income deregulation of tenant's rent-stabilized apartment in 2014. Landlord pointed out that tenant failed to respond to the Income Certification Form (ICF) that...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of a reduction in services based on defects in the sink faucets and a light fixture. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced his rent. Landlord later filed an application to...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of a reduction in required services in her apartment. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced her rent. Landlord later applied for rent restoration and argued that tenant...
Rent-stabilized tenants complained to the DHCR about a reduction in building-wide services. The DRA ruled for tenants and reduced their rents based on findings that a washing machine in the building laundry room was...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of a reduction in building-wide services. The DRA ruled for tenant and reduced his rent, based on findings of defective conditions in the sidewalks, stairs to the...
A New Rochelle tenant filed a complaint with the DHCR seeking a rent reduction based on a reduction in required services. In response, landlord argued that the apartment wasn't rent stabilized. The DRA then...
Prior landlord filed an application (Form RS-3 Application) with the DHCR in 2004 to determine whether its building was exempt from rent stabilization. In 2007, the DRA closed the case without action due to the prior...
Tenant asked the DHCR in January 2020 for an administrative determination regarding tenant's rent-regulated status and his apartment's legal rent. Landlord claimed that the building wasn't rent stabilized...