Tenant complained to the DHCR in 2018 of rent overcharge and improper apartment deregulation. The DRA ruled against tenant, finding insufficient evidence of fraud and that the apartment had been vacancy deregulated...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA converted the complaint to a fair market rent appeal (FMRA) because it sought to challenge the rent initially charged to the first rent-...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR in December 2018 of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled for tenant and ordered landlord to refund $109,283, including triple damages and interest. The DRA found that the base...
In 2022, rent-stabilized tenant's daughter complained to the DHCR that landlord failed to recognize her succession rights to the apartment. Landlord pointed out that it had started a pending housing court...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR in 2021 that landlord failed to send her a renewal lease. In response, landlord said that this was an oversight, that it had now sent tenant the renewal lease via...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained in March 2020 that landlord failed to give her a renewal lease. In March 2021, tenant notified the DHCR that she had moved to a new address and no longer lived in the apartment. The...
A family member of former rent-controlled tenant claimed succession rights after tenant died, and complained to the DHCR that landlord refused to give him a renewal lease in his own name. The DRA ruled for the family...
Landlord applied to DHCR for a ruling that its building was exempt from rent stabilization based on substantial rehabilitation that took place after landlord bought the building in 2010 and completed the rehab in...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for a ruling on the rent regulatory status of its building. The DRA ruled for landlord in part, finding that the building was exempt from rent stabilization based on substantial...
The daughter of a rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR in 2022 after landlord refused to give the daughter a renewal lease after tenant died in September 2021. The daughter claimed she had succession rights...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for a ruling that its building was exempt from rent regulation due to substantial rehabilitation of the building after Jan. 1, 1974. The DRA pointed out that, under RSC Section 2520.11(e...