The DHCR's Rent Administrator denied landlord's application for MCI rent hikes based on installation of a hot water heater. The DRA found that landlord didn't submit necessary information required to...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for MCI rent hikes based on installation of a newly resurfaced courtyard and steps behind the building. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. RSC Section 2522.4 defined...
The Tenant Association of an affordable housing community governed by PHFL Article IV challenged an approval letter issued by the DHCR in September 2022, arguing that the decision set forth in that letter violated...
Former tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge and improper deregulation of his apartment. The DRA ruled for tenant in part, finding no overcharge but directing landlord to base future rent increases on the...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge and improper apartment deregulation after moving into the unit in 2016. The DRA ruled for tenant, found that the unit was rent stabilized and ordered landlord to...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR after HSTPA took effect, claiming rent overcharge based on a prior rent reduction order. The DRA ruled for tenant and ordered landlord to refund $98,860, including triple...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge and improper apartment deregulation. The DRA ruled against tenant, who appealed and lost. Landlord pointed out that it had signed an Assurance of Discontinuance with...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained of rent overcharge based on a disputed MCI rent increase. The DRA ruled for tenant and found an overcharge of $544, including triple damages.
Tenant complained to the DHCR that she had been overcharged and that her apartment was improperly deregulated. The DRA ruled against tenant and dismissed the complaint. Tenant appealed and lost. Landlord proved that...
Tenant complained to the DHCR in 2018 of rent overcharge and improper apartment deregulation. The DRA ruled against tenant, finding insufficient evidence of fraud and that the apartment had been vacancy deregulated...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA converted the complaint to a fair market rent appeal (FMRA) because it sought to challenge the rent initially charged to the first rent-...