Landlord sued to evict tenant for nonpayment of rent. Tenant asked the court to dismiss the case because landlord didn't send tenant a written notice that rent hadn't been received. This notice was now...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled against tenant, finding no overcharge. Tenant appealed, claiming fraud by landlord. The DHCR ruled against tenant, who then filed an Article 78...
Tenant filed an Article 78 court appeal of landlord NYCHA's decision, after a hearing, that tenant was ineligible to continue her apartment occupancy based on nondesirability. Landlord had charged tenant with...
Former tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled for tenant based on landlord's failure to respond to the complaint, and ordered landlord to refund an overcharge with triple damages....
Tenant complained of rent overcharge and improper deregulation of a rent-stabilized apartment while the building received J-51 tax benefits. Landlord argued there was no overcharge because tenant paid a preferential...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled for tenant in 2016. Landlord appealed and lost in 2017. Landlord then filed an Article 78 court appeal, claiming that the DHCR's decision was...
Landlord sued to evict tenant for nonpayment of rent. The court granted tenant's request to dismiss the case. Landlord appealed and lost. In 2012, the DHCR had ruled there was a rent overcharge and directed prior...
Landlord sued to evict tenant for chronic nonpayment of rent, claiming that the apartment was unregulated. The court ruled for landlord based on tenant's failure to appear in court. The court later denied tenant...
Landlord sued to evict apartment occupant after rent-stabilized tenant died. The occupant claimed that he had a family-member relationship with tenant. The trial court ruled for the occupant, finding he had...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's daughter after tenant died. The daughter asked the court to dismiss the case without trial. The court ruled against the daughter, who appealed and lost. Documentary...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's daughter after tenant died. The trial court ruled for the daughter. Landlord appealed and lost. Despite some procedural errors by the lower court, the daughter'...
Landlord sued to evict tenant, claiming that tenant was unregulated. Tenant argued that he was rent stabilized and asked the court to dismiss the case. The court ruled against tenant, who appealed and won. Tenant had...