Pedestrian, who was injured in a slip-and-fall in the snow in front of landlord's building, sued landlord for negligence. The court granted landlord's request to dismiss the case without a trial. ...
Tenant sued landlord, claiming improper deregulation and rent overcharge. Tenant claimed that he was rent stabilized. Landlord asked the court to dismiss the case, arguing that the DHCR had primary jurisdiction over...
Rent-stabilized tenant sued landlord, claiming rent overcharge. The court ruled for tenant, without trial, based on documents presented by both sides. The prior tenant's last rent was $869 per month. Tenant...
Landlord sued to evict unregulated tenant. The trial court ruled for landlord and granted landlord's request that tenant pay use and occupancy totalling $10,880.
Landlord sued rent-regulated tenant in a loft building designated as an interim multiple dwelling (IMD) and asked the court for a declaration that tenant illegally profited from and commercially exploited the loft...
In separate court actions, two tenants sued landlord, claiming that they were improperly deregulated and being overcharged by landlord. The building received 421-g tax benefits. Landlord asked the court to...
Landlord sued to evict the sister-in-law of rent-stabilized tenant after tenant died. The sister-in-law claimed succession rights. The trial court ruled in her favor, finding that she was a nontraditional family...
Landlord sued to evict apartment occupants after rent-stabilized tenant died. One occupant claimed that she was tenant's granddaughter and demanded succession rights. The other occupant claimed that she was...
Building tenants sued landlord, seeking a declaration that they were rent stabilized and were overcharged. In a prior appellate ruling, a court declared that the building was subject to rent stabilization as of April...
Landlord sued to evict tenants for smoking in their apartment. Landlord and tenants signed a settlement agreement in court. Tenants agreed to refrain from smoking or to permit any visitors to smoke in their apartment...
After rent-stabilized tenant died, tenant's son and daughter claimed succession rights and asked landlord for a renewal lease. Landlord instead offered them a vacancy lease, which they refused to sign. Landlord...
Former rent-stabilized tenant sued prior landlord and current landlord (NYU) in 2019, seeking enforcement of a prior court's judgment for rent overcharge in the amount of $132,985 which was issued in 2017 against...