Tenant sued landlord and property manager, seeking compensation for her 34-day relocation to a temporary apartment after a hole in the building's roof allowed extensive water damage to her apartment during a...
Tenant sued landlord in a housing court HP proceeding, claiming that a sloping floor condition in his apartment needed correction even though HPD issued no violation for the condition after inspection. The court...
Landlord sued to evict apartment occupants after tenant surrendered possession. One unnamed occupant filed a COVID-19 Hardship Declaration. Another unnamed occupant appeared in court on a case adjournment date. The...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenants based on nonpayment of rent. Tenants claimed rent overcharge. The court ruled against landlord and in favor of tenants in 2018. The court found that rent overcharges due...
Landlord sued to evict an unregulated tenant and his roommate from an apartment in 2018. On March 4, 2020, after a number of court appearances and motion practice, landlord signed a court-ordered settlement agreement...
Landlord sued to evict tenant for nonpayment of rent. The trial court ruled for landlord, awarding possession and a money judgment for $10,183. Tenant then asked the court to reopen the case based on claimed newly...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in 2021 for creating a nuisance. Landlord also filed an order to show cause in May 2021 asking the court to reject a Hardship Declaration that tenant had filed, and to vacate any stay of...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for breaching a substantial obligation of her tenancy and for creating a nuisance through objectionable conduct. Landlord claimed that tenant caused loud music to emanate...
A group of five landlords and one landlords' organization (plaintiffs) challenged New York's COVID Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act (CEEFPA) in federal court. The lower court ruled against...
Four rent-stabilized tenants sued landlord in 2014, seeking to restrain landlord from harassing tenants and from installing a central boiler in the building. Landlord, in turn, claimed that one tenant made building...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for failure to renew his lease. In answer to the holdover petition, tenant claimed that landlord induced him to sign a lease rider several months after he signed his...
Tenant sued someone he claimed was his landlord, claiming a breach of tenant's lease and seeking $25,000. The named "landlord" asked the court to dismiss the complaint. A copy of the lease in question...