The DHCR denied landlord's application for an MCI rent hike relating to pointing, waterproofing, and related facade work. Landlord then filed an Article 78 court appeal, claiming that the DHCR's decision was...
Landlord applied to the DHCR in 2018 for a determination that its building had been substantially rehabilitated and therefore was exempt from rent stabilization. The DHCR ruled against landlord, who then filed an...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of a reduction in services and that landlord failed to perform certain renovation or repair work to her apartment. The DRA ruled for tenant, and the DHCR denied landlord...
Tenant brought an HP proceeding against landlord, claiming harassment. She said there was a "toxic odor invading" her apartment in June 2020 and that landlord did nothing about it. Landlord asked the court...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant didn't appear in court, but occupant appeared and claimed succession rights as a nontraditional family member. Landlord and occupant...
Landlord sued to evict Mitchell-Lama tenant in April 2019, claiming that she owed $17,897 in back rent from November 2017 through March 2019 under an occupancy agreement. Tenant previously had lived in the apartment...
Unregulated tenant sued to evict her roommate in housing court after terminating his month-to-month subtenancy. The roommate claimed that he was the tenant's nontraditional family member because they had lived...
In May 2020, NYC amended its residential and nonresidential harassment laws, to prohibit "threatening" tenants based on their "status as a person or business impacted by COVID-19, or . . . receipt of a...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonprimary residence. Tenant's daughter appeared in the proceeding and claimed she had succession rights to the apartment. The trial court ruled for the daughter...
Rent-stabilized tenants sued landlord, claiming fraud in connection with rent overcharges. Tenants lived in a 421-a building and claimed landlord improperly charged them 2.2 percent annual rent increases in...
Landlord sued to evict tenant, and in August 2019, the parties settled the case, with a judgment and warrant for landlord. Tenant agreed to move out by a certain date but sought and obtained several extensions of the...
Tenant moved into a 421-a building in 2003 and was subject to rent stabilization as a result. The building's 421-a tax benefits, along with tenant's rent stabilization status, were set to expire on June 30,...