Landlord sued to eject former rent-stabilized tenant, one named apartment occupant, and other "John Does" or "Jane Does." Landlord claimed that tenant was a nonprimary resident, while occupants...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for failure to renew his lease. The housing court ruled against landlord and dismissed the case. Landlord appealed and lost. It was undisputed that the prior landlord...
A pro-se plaintiff, who claimed that he had occupied an apartment with tenant, sued landlord in federal court, after landlord refused occupant's request to transfer the lease into his name and changed the...
Landlord sued to evict rent-controlled tenant's son after tenant died. The son claimed succession rights. He said he lived in the apartment while growing up and had never left. Tenant had moved out in 2009, and...
Landlords of several residential buildings sued their property management company and individual officers affiliated with the management company. Landlords claimed breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty,...
Three tenants filed rent overcharge complaints with the DHCR and claimed that they were rent stabilized. According to landlord, the DRA denied these complaints, but then three new complaints were filed, which the DRA...
Tenants sued landlord in an HP enforcement proceeding, claiming harassment. The trial court ruled for tenants. Landlord appealed and lost. There was ample testimonial and documentary proof supporting the court's...
Landlord sued the DHCR, claiming that the agency's post-HSTPA policies and procedures concerning individual apartment improvement (IAI) rent increases were improper. After HSTPA was enacted, landlords were...
Landlord sued tenant for $12,000 in back rent owed between May and October 2020, as well as for $1,443, which was the amount in excess of the $17,000 security deposit that landlord spent to repair and restore the...
Landlord sued to evict ETPA tenant for nonpayment of rent, claiming tenant owed $6,800 in arrears. Tenant consented to admitting landlord to the apartment to make repairs while the case was pending. But tenant later...
Landlord sued to evict tenants for nonpayment of rent. The parties settled the case in court. Landlord discontinued the nonpayment claim and agreed to make repairs in the apartment. Tenants later asked the court to...
Tenant complained to the State Division of Human Rights (DHR) of housing discrimination by landlord based on source of income. The DHR found probable cause to go forward with consideration of tenant's claim and...