Tenant Didn't Comply with Requirements for New Keycard

June 15, 2015    

Tenant sued landlord for illegal lockout. She claimed that landlord didn't give her keycards to the new locks that had been installed on the entry doors solely because she had refused to provide landlord with a...

Landlord Had No Notice of Elevator Misleveling Condition

June 12, 2015    

Tenant sued landlord and the company that maintained its elevator for negligence after she tripped and fell while exiting a misleveled elevator on the first floor of the building. Landlord asked the court to dismiss...

Was Charge for A/C Improper Electricity Surcharge?

June 12, 2015    

Landlord sued to evict tenant for creating a nuisance. In response, tenant claimed rent overcharge based on the collection of air conditioner surcharges after the building’s electricity was submetered. Landlord...

No Rent Credit for Tenant Prior to Signing Successor Lease

June 12, 2015    

NYCHA tenant sought a three-year rent credit, advancement...

Landlord Not Responsible for Super's Attack on Tenant

June 11, 2015    

Tenant sued landlord for negligence, claiming that he was attacked by the building super. Tenant argued that landlord was negligent by keeping the super as an employee and failing to supervise him. The court...

Rent-Stabilized Tenant Overcharged Roommate

June 11, 2015    

Rent-stabilized tenant sued to evict her roommate for nonpayment of rent. The roommate in turn claimed rent overcharge, breach of the warranty of habitability, and harassment.  The court ruled for roommate, in...

Landlord's Claim of Unauthorized Alterations Was Too Vague

June 11, 2015    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for making unauthorized alterations to his apartment. The trial court ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. Landlord admitted at trial that he visited tenant...

Court Awarded Attorney's Fees to Tenant Prematurely

June 11, 2015    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonpayment of rent. Tenant claimed rent overcharge and sought attorney’s fees. In response to tenant’s request, the court dismissed the case without...

Landlord Didn't Prove Good-Faith Intent to Recover Apartment

June 11, 2015    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenants in order to recover the apartment for use by his daughter and her family as their primary residence. The court ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. Landlord...

Tenant Lived at Another Apartment with Boyfriend

June 11, 2015    

Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonprimary residence. The trial court ruled for landlord. Tenant appealed and lost. The court reasonably found that tenant didn’t maintain a substantial,...

HPD Rent Adjustment Order Didn’t Invalidate DHCR Rent Reduction Order

June 11, 2015    

Rent-stabilized tenants complained of a reduction in building-wide services. The DRA ruled for tenants in 1993 and reduced their rents. In 2013, the DRA denied landlord’s application to restore rents, finding...

Tenant Claims Landlord Fraudulently Deregulated Apartment

May 19, 2015    

Tenant sued landlord, claiming that her apartment was improperly and fraudulently removed from rent stabilization. Landlord had registered the apartment with the DHCR as permanently exempt due to high-rent vacancy...