Landlord sued to evict tenant. Later, landlord and tenant signed a settlement agreement in court that expressly gave tenant the right to seek attorney’s fees. But the housing court then denied tenant’s...
Tenant sued landlord and prior landlord for recovery of his security deposit. The court ruled against tenant, who appealed and won. Landlord’s failure to give tenant written notice of what bank held tenant...
HPD denied occupant’s application for succession rights to a Mitchell-Lama apartment. Occupant appealed and lost. HPD’s decision had a rational basis. The occupant was tenant’s husband but failed to...
Landlord sued to evict rent-controlled tenant for nonprimary residence and claimed that tenant primarily resided in South Carolina. The trial court ruled for landlord. Tenant appealed and lost. Landlord presented...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonprimary residence. During trial, tenant asked the court to preclude landlord from introducing videotape evidence of comings and goings from the building because...
Occupant sued landlord for illegal lockout, claiming that he became a permanent tenant of a hotel-stabilized unit at landlord’s building. The court ruled against occupant, who appealed and won. Occupant used...
Tenant complained of rent overcharge. The DHCR ruled for tenant but found no willful overcharge and granted landlord Rent Guidelines Board increases in calculating the rent during the period of overcharge. The DHCR...
Tenants sued landlord for negligence, claiming that landlord never eradicated a bedbug infestation in their apartment that began in 2012. Landlord claimed that it wasn’t responsible for the conditions in...
DOB issued a violation notice to landlord for having an illegal cellar apartment. Landlord opposed the violation, but the ALJ ruled against landlord and fined it $1,200. ECB denied landlord’s appeal. Landlord...
Landlord sued to evict tenant’s wife, who claimed succession rights. The court ruled for the wife and dismissed the case. Landlord appealed and lost. First, the trial court properly found that, although the...
Pedestrian sued landlord for negligence after she tripped and fell on garbage bags placed on the sidewalk in front of landlord’s building. Landlord claimed that it wasn’t responsible for any injuries, and...