Landlord sued to evict tenant. The housing court appointed a guardian ad litem (GAL) to assist tenant, and tenant signed a settlement agreement with landlord in court. Later, an Article 81 guardian appointed for...
Tenant filed an Article 78 court petition to annul the DHCR's agreement with landlords that settled a noncompliance proceeding concerning trash collection. The court ruled against tenant, who appealed and lost....
The DHCR commenced an administrative proceeding against landlord for rent overcharge. The DRA ruled for tenant and ordered landlord to refund the overcharge with triple damages. Landlord appealed, and the DHCR denied...
Landlord sued to evict tenant for keeping a dog in her apartment, in violation of a no-pet clause in tenant's lease. Tenant claimed that the dog was an emotional support animal needed for her to enjoy her use of...
Tenant sought interim multiple dwelling (IMD) coverage from the NYC Loft Board. The Loft Board ruled for tenant. Landlord appealed and lost. The Loft Board reasonably found that tenant lived in a separate and...
Landlord NYCHA tenant's daughter claimed succession rights to tenant's apartment after tenant died in 2013. NYCHA ruled against the daughter after a hearing, and the daughter filed an Article 78 court appeal...
Landlord sued to evict apartment occupant after rent-stabilized tenant died. Occupant claimed that she was tenant's niece and that she was entitled to succession rights. The court ruled for landlord after a trial...
Landlord sued to evict rent-controlled tenant for creating a nuisance. Landlord claimed that tenant's conduct frightened other tenants. The trial court ruled for landlord, finding that tenant's conduct...
Subtenant sued rent-stabilized tenant and landlord, and asked the court to stop tenant from evicting subtenant. The court ruled against subtenant, who appealed and lost. Tenant was a not-for-profit organization that...
Landlord sued to evict tenant of state-funded supportive housing for people with psychiatric disability and substance abuse problems. Landlord claimed that tenant violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy and...
Landlord NYCHA sued to evict apartment occupant, claiming that he was tenant's licensee and that his license to occupy the apartment had expired after tenant died. Occupant's name never appeared on tenant...
Tenant sued landlord for negligence. Tenant had been injured when she fell while stepping from the slate landing onto the paved walkway outside the building, where there was some ice. The court granted landlord's...