NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Court Papers Not Properly Served April 1, 1994 Tenants Didn't Move Out on Time April 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Replace All Parapets April 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Prove Monthly Rent of $500 April 1, 1994 Landlord Must Refund Overcharge to All Tenants Renting Garage Space April 1, 1994 Termination Notice Not Defective April 1, 1994 Part of Apartment Used as Photography Studio April 1, 1994 Apartment Used for Illegal Purpose April 1, 1994 No Triple Damages for Tenant Under Interim Lease April 1, 1994 Unit Wasn't Occupied Residentially on April 1, 1980 April 1, 1994 Deceased Tenant's Daughter Can Remain in City-Owned Apartment April 1, 1994 Tenant Can't Get Triple Damages April 1, 1994 first previous ... 686 687 688(current) 689 690 ... next last