NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Landlord Must Pay Tenant for Water Damage April 1, 1996 Tenant Didn't Show How Assailant Got into Building April 1, 1996 Landlord Can't Bring Eviction Action After Tenant Moved Out April 1, 1996 Back Rent Paid by DSS April 1, 1996 Rent Due to Landlord Reduced April 1, 1996 Tenants Paid Rent Due April 1, 1996 Tenant's Daughter Can't Get Mitchell-Lama Apartment April 1, 1996 Rent Cut Order Issued April 1, 1996 Tenant Shot in Building Hallway April 1, 1996 Tenant Engaged in Objectionable Conduct April 1, 1996 Landlord's Pretrial Questioning Limited April 1, 1996 Tenant Can't Be Evicted for Replacing Stove April 1, 1996 first previous ... 607 608 609(current) 610 611 ... next last