NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Ten Percent Abatement Awarded February 1, 1997 Electrical Surcharge Inclusion Eliminated February 1, 1997 Landlord Can Sue Tenant for Rent February 1, 1997 New Tile Floor in Bathroom February 1, 1997 Trial Required On Daughter's Right to Get Apartment February 1, 1997 Petition Didn't State Tenant's Section 8 Status February 1, 1997 Window Fell on Tenant February 1, 1997 Tenant Attacked in Apartment February 1, 1997 Tenant Hurt During Fire February 1, 1997 Tenant Gets Fees for Breach of Warranty of Habitability Claim February 1, 1997 Tenant Claimed Subsidy Improperly Terminated February 1, 1997 Superintendent Stabbed by Tenant's Son February 1, 1997 first previous ... 578 579 580(current) 581 582 ... next last