NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Tenant Assaulted in His Apartment January 1, 1999 Tenant's Son Sold Drugs Outside Building January 1, 1999 Rent Demand Contains Stamp of Landlord's Corporate Name January 1, 1999 Security Guards Hired to Follow Tenants January 1, 1999 Tenant's Grandson Fell While Playing on Fire Escape January 1, 1999 Attorney Fined for Falsely Notarizing Affidavit January 1, 1999 Petition Didn't State Tenant's Section 8 Status January 1, 1999 Licensee Can't Be Restored to Possession January 1, 1999 10 Percent Abatement for Leak January 1, 1999 Landlord Who Assigned Lease Can't Bring Eviction Case January 1, 1999 DHCR Must Recalculate Overcharge Amount December 1, 1998 Occupants Can't Get Apartment December 1, 1998 first previous ... 513 514 515(current) 516 517 ... next last