HPD denied the succession rights claim filed by the son of a Mitchell-Lama co-op tenant who died in 2009. The son then filed an Article 78 court appeal of HPD's decision. The court ruled against him. HPD found...
Tenants sued landlord, seeking a finding of contempt against landlord for violating a March 25, 2022, court order to make repairs and pay a $212,455 penalty for failure to timely correct the violations. Tenant also...
Landlord sued to evict NYCHA Section 8 tenant for creating a nuisance. Tenant asked the court to dismiss the case for failure to state a cause of action. Tenant said that landlord didn't properly serve NYCHA with...
New landlord sued to evict the three remaining tenants in its building. Tenants claimed they were rent stabilized and asked the court to dismiss the case. Landlord argued that tenants couldn't be rent stabilized...
Landlord sued to evict tenant, claiming that he violated a substantial obligation of his tenancy by refusing to provide access to inspect, make repairs, and correct violations. Landlord sent tenant a Notice to Cure...
New landlord sued to evict the last three remaining tenants in its building. Landlord claimed that the apartments couldn't be subject to rent stabilization because they were illegal apartments under NYC Admin....
A cooperative shareholder tenant sued landlord cooperative corporation and asked the court for a preliminary injunction to stop landlord from terminating his proprietary lease. Landlord had sent tenant a notice...
Landlord sued to evict tenant, who had been the building's prior owner. In 2015 when the building was sold, new landlord gave tenant a lease permitting tenant to live in a portion of the property for 12 years...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in October 2021 while the COVID-19 Emergency Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention Act (CEEFPA) was in effect. Tenant initially filed a Hardship Declaration and, when CEEFPA expired, filed...
Landlord sued to evict tenant for creating or permitting a nuisance in her apartment. At trial, landlord's managing agent testified that small groups of people assumed to be tenant's guests smoked, drank,...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in 2022 after terminating her tenancy. Tenant claimed retaliatory eviction and constructive eviction. Tenant had moved out of her basement apartment on a temporary basis several years...
The estate administrator of a couple sued landlord NYCHA for personal injury and wrongful death after the couple died due to injuries suffered in an apartment building fire. NYCHA asked the court to dismiss the...