Landlord sued its former building superintendent for use and occupancy for nine months that the super remained in his apartment at the building following termination of his employment. Landlord claimed that the...
In 2022, the NY State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) found tenant ineligible for funds awarded from the ERAP program and sought the return of $20,285 it claimed were disbursed on tenant's...
Landlord sued to evict apartment licensee in January 2020. After the first court date, the case was delayed initially due to the COVID public health emergency and a GAL was appointed for the licensee in October 2020...
Landlord sued to evict a Suffolk County tenant for nonpayment of rent. Tenant's filing of an ERAP rental assistance application resulted in a stay of the proceeding, but the court vacated the ERAP stay in 2022 (...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonpayment of rent, seeking $4,883 for the months of May-July 2022. The proceeding was delayed extensively following tenant's filing of a COVID Hardship...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in housing court for nonpayment of rent. In that prior proceeding, landlord obtained a judgment for rent owed in the amount of $45,100, and tenant moved out of the unit. Landlord then...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in April 2022 for nonpayment of rent dating back to August 2021 and totalling $8,011. Among other things, tenant claimed that he had applied for ERAP rental assistance benefits. In July...
Rent-stabilized tenants sued landlord in 2014, claiming that landlord engaged in a pattern of harassment, abuse, and neglect in an attempt to drive tenants from their apartments. In 2015 landlord sued tenants in...
Landlord of Mitchell-Lama co-op apartment sued to evict tenant and occupant, claiming that they had agreed to pay $1,463 per month under a rental agreement. The apartment tenant was deceased at the time landlord...
Landlord sued to evict Section 8 successor tenant for nonpayment of rent. Tenant was the daughter of the prior tenant. Landlord claimed that new tenant should be responsible for the resident share of the subsidized...
Landlord sued tenant's lease guarantor for rent owed by tenant after tenant defaulted on payment, seeking $1,410,638. Landlord asked for a money judgment without any trial.
A Mt. Vernon landlord sued to evict tenant for nonpayment of rent. Tenant lived in HUD project-based Section 8 housing. Tenant filed an ERAP application seeking rental assistance, resulting in an automatic stay of...