Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge in 2018. Landlord claimed that tenant wasn't subject to rent stabilization. The DRA ruled for tenant because tenant paid $2,000 per month when he moved in. The DRA...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled against tenant, who appealed and lost. Tenant moved into the building after Real Property Tax Law 421-a tax benefits had expired. The building was...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for a ruling that its building was exempt from rent stabilization due to a substantial rehabilitation performed after Jan. 1, 1974. The DRA ruled against landlord, finding that landlord...
Landlord applied to the DHCR in 2021 for a ruling that its building was exempt from rent stabilization based on substantial rehabilitation commenced in June 2015 and completed in 2020. The DRA ruled for landlord,...
In 2016, landlord asked the DHCR for a ruling on whether tenant's apartment was rent stabilized. Landlord claimed that, after April 1993, prior landlord increased the dimensions of the apartment by adding square...
Landlord asked the DHCR in 2016 for a ruling on the legal regulated rent for an apartment. Landlord claimed that the apartment occupant had been the building's janitor until his employment was terminated in...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for permission to amend 2008 rent registrations for two apartments at its building. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. Landlord claimed that: (a) by April 2018, two...
Landlord, claiming that she was a co-op building shareholder, sued to evict an unregulated tenant of an apartment after terminating the tenancy. Prior to trial, tenant asked the court to stay the eviction proceeding...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge and improper deregulation of his apartment at the Chelsea Hotel. The DHCR ruled against tenant, who then filed an Article 78 court appeal of the agency's decision...
Landlord sued to evict tenant, claiming that tenant was unregulated because the apartment building contained less than six residential units. Tenant claimed that he was rent stabilized. The building was constructed...
A group of landlords owning rent-stabilized buildings in New York City sued the city, the NYC Rent Guidelines Board, and the DHCR in federal court. They claimed that the HSTPA effected, both on its face and as-...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled against tenant, finding that her rent wasn't subject to rent stabilization. The DHCR denied tenant's appeal, finding that the DRA had...