RENT OVERCHARGE DHCR Properly Applied Triple Damages Rule April 1, 1993 Landlord Can Charge First Rent April 1, 1993 Triple Damages Revoked March 1, 1993 Landlord Can't Charge Fee for Tenant's Use of Frost-Free Refrigerator March 1, 1993 Landlord Properly Collected Vacancy Increase for Roommate March 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't Prove Owner Occupancy Decontrol March 1, 1993 Landlord Bound by Prior Decision March 1, 1993 Apartment Rented to Illusory Prime Tenant March 1, 1993 Building Bought from Receiver March 1, 1993 New Greenhouse Doesn't Qualify Apartment for ‘First Rent' February 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't Prove New Apartment Was Created January 1, 1993 Landlord Entitled to $15 Supplemental Increase January 1, 1993 first previous ... 211 212 213 214(current) 215 next last