RENEWAL LEASES Landlord Didn't Offer Renewal Lease to Rent-Stabilized Tenant November 1, 2002 Rider in Substantial Compliance with Code Requirements November 1, 2002 Landlord Offered Backdated Lease August 31, 2002 Landlord Offered Renewal Lease After Sending Nonrenewal Notice August 31, 2002 Landlord Can Demand Guarantor for Renewal Lease July 31, 2002 Landlord Doesn't Need to Add Son's Name July 31, 2002 Landlord Can't Evict Hotel Tenant for Not Renewing Lease May 31, 2002 Landlord Didn't Sign and Date Lease Offered to Tenant May 31, 2002 Landlord Can't Backdate Lease May 31, 2002 Landlord Must Give Tenant Two-Year Vacancy Lease March 1, 2002 Landlord Offered Renewal Lease While Case Pending January 1, 2002 No Deemed Renewal if Landlord Didn't Make Renewal Offer on Time December 1, 2001 first previous ... 26 27 28(current) 29 30 ... next last