LEASES Landlord Breached by Forcing Tenant Out of Illegal Apartment September 30, 1995 Landlord Breached by Forcing Tenant Out of Illegal Apartment September 30, 1995 Landlord Offered Tenant Two-Year Lease Option August 31, 1995 Landlord Breached by Forcing Tenant Out of Illegal Apartment August 31, 1994 Landlord Breached by Forcing Tenant Out of Illegal Apartment August 31, 1994 Tenant's Lease Is Valid December 1, 1993 Landlord's Son Not Authorized to Extend Lease September 30, 1993 Lease Clause on Rent Arrears Unenforceable July 31, 1993 Print Used on Lease Isn't Large Enough May 31, 1993 first previous ... 8 9 10 11 12(current)