Tenants Didn't Prove Landlord Knew About Lead Paint Condition

February 26, 2025    

Tenants sued landlord, claiming that their child was injured from lead-based paint in the 1898 house they rented. They asked the court to find landlord responsible without trial for the damages, based on negligence....

Tenants' Late Filing of Notice of Claim for Child's Lead Poisoning Excused by Court

January 26, 2025    

NYCHA tenants sued landlord, claiming that their child was injured by exposure to lead-based paint in their apartment. They had moved into their unit in April 2020, and in January 2022, the infant tested with an...

Landlord Is Liable for Child's Lead Poisoning from Paint Chips

October 28, 2024    

Tenant, the mother of a young child, sued landlord, claiming landlord was responsible for injuries to the child from exposure to lead paint in tenant's apartment. Tenant asked the court to find landlord...

Is Landlord Responsible for Child's Exposure to Lead Paint?

May 23, 2023    

Tenant sued landlord on behalf of her infant child, claiming exposure to lead paint in their apartment. Landlord asked the court to dismiss the case without trial. The court ruled against landlord, who appealed and...

Court Won't Consolidate Tenants' Lead Paint Claim with Nonpayment Proceeding

December 7, 2020    

Tenants sued landlord, claiming that their child had been poisoned by lead paint found in their apartment. While the case was pending, landlord asked the court to take a separate, rent nonpayment proceeding pending...

Was Lead Paint in Apartment the Cause of Child's Injuries?

July 27, 2020    

Tenant sued landlord, claiming that her child suffered lead paint poisoning due to lead paint in her apartment. Tenant asked the court to decide the case in her favor without a trial. The court ruled against tenant,...

Tenant Never Gave Landlord Notice of Lead-Paint Condition Claim

April 21, 2020    

Tenant sued landlord, claiming that landlord was responsible for tenant's exposure to lead-based paint between 1992 and 1994. Landlord had co-owned the building with his father when tenant lived there. The court...

Tenant's Claim for Child's Lead Poisoning from Backyard Soil Dismissed

December 19, 2019    

Former tenant sued landlord, claiming that her child suffered lead poisoning from conditions at the premises and that landlord violated the NYC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (Local Law 1). Tenant moved into...

Tenant's Notice of Claim Against Landlord Deemed Timely

September 22, 2019    

Tenant asked the court for permission to file a late notice of claim against landlord NYCHA for claimed negligence related to testing, repair, and abatement of lead paint in tenant's apartment. Landlord asked the...

Tenant Can't Sue NYC or Its Mayor for Lead Paint Exposure Claim

August 12, 2019    

Tenant sued landlord NYCHA, as well as the City of New York and Mayor DeBlasio, for damages she claimed arose from her child's exposure to lead paint in her apartment. Tenant claimed a pattern and policy of...

Landlord Held in Contempt with Daily Fines for Lead Paint Violations

July 22, 2019    

Tenant sued landlord, seeking correction of Housing Maintenance Code violations. The court directed landlord to cure lead paint violations in the apartment, where tenant lived with a child under the age of 7. Tenant...

Did Lead Paint in NYCHA Apartment Cause Injury to Tenant's Child?

May 15, 2019    

Tenant sued landlord NYCHA, claiming that her child was injured by exposure to lead-based paint in their apartment. Landlord claimed that there was no hazardous lead paint condition in the apartment, but the court...